CiDRA Minerals Processing to present at MINEX Europe 2019

CiDRA Minerals Processing to present at MINEX Europe 2019

4th Mining and Exploration Forum to be held 25-27 June 2019, Sofia Bulgaria at the Sofia Hotel Balkan

Wallingford, CT • June 19, 2019

John Viega, CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc. USA, will be sharing a presentation titled, Leveraging an Innovative and Unique Particle Size Measurement Technology in a Copper Concentrator: Transforming Data to Knowledge to Actionable Decisions

Details for this presentation:
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Venue: Session 4 – Royal Ballroom
Time: 12:00

The adoption of transformative process measurement technologies in industrial plants, including mineral processing concentrators, does not follow the pattern of the rapid development and adoption, that for example, information technologies follow. These technologies regularly morph into new features and functionality, that provide ever increasing speed and access to information at our fingertips that can be converted into knowledge and action.
John’s presentation will: (1) explore why transformative technologies are slow to be adopted in the minerals processing industry, (2) provide a case study of how a copper concentrator, an early adopter of CiDRA’s CYCLONEtrac™ PST technology, leveraged the value of real time information - not attainable with traditional technology - and how they transformed information into knowledge thereby increasing operating efficiency and net metal production, and finally (3) describe how this transformative technology can be an enabler for concentrators to ‘cross the chasm’ and capitalize on new trends in the industry for coarse particle recovery.
CiDRA will also be exhibiting at the event, so please join them at Stand #1 to discuss the advantages and benefits this solution will bring to your process.

Alessandra Castillo
CiDRA Minerals Processing
email Alessandra